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The 31st annual award (30th anniversary) was given on 18 January 2012, or 18 Chaos 3178. Neither recipient was a member of the original Ek-sen-triks Cluborguild, the Discordian Division of the Ek-sen-triks CluborGuild, or any other form of the organization.
The 2012 winners had a connection we didn't know about--they knew each other. R. Crumb
had given Dr. Demento some of es original drawings, and the doctor gave Robert some old
and cherished records.
Dr. Demento. A radio announcer who specializes in novelty songs, comedy, and
strange or unusual recordings dating from the early days of radio to today. The doctor
has been spinning the wax for decades, has a master's degree in folklore and
ethnomusicology, and brought older comic musical artists such as Spike Jones, Benny
Bell, Yogi Yorgesson, and Tom Lehrer to a new generation. His show is also the one
that introduced the world to a very young Weird Al Yankovich.
R. Crumb (Robert Crumb). The creator of Mr. Natural, Fritz the Cat, Devil Girl, and
Keep on Truckin'. One of the most prominent of the underground artists, his work is
said to have laid the foundation for the underground going mainstream in such
animated programs as Beavis and Butthead, The Simpsons, and South Park. While
working well outside the mainstream, he also illustrated a graphic novel version of the
Book of Genesis, several album covers, and has had his work featured in museums.
Hey! Great news! I have
just been admitted to the
Order/Disorder of the
Pineapple. What an
honor! I received a nice-
looking certificate with an
ornate border, which I
would frame and hang on
the wall if my name had
been printed on it in
large, prominent type
easy to see from four feet
away, but as it does not
pass this four-foot test I
will simply file it away with
various other awards and
honors I’ve received over
comics festivals).
I’m flattered to be classed
in the same league with
Dr. Demento. I met him a
long, long time ago. I
went to his house, where
there were stacks of old
records everywhere and
he generously let me
take some rare and great
78s from the 1920s. Nice
Robert Crumb
Dear Pineapple People,
Many thanks for the
attractive and eloquent
I am deeply honored to
share this distinction
with Timothy Leary (a
brilliant and genial man
with whom I used to
share a booking
agent) and of course
R. Crumb (who gave
me some original
artwork in exchange
for those records, so I
didn't make out too
badly...he's a very nice
man too, and
absolutely essential to
our culture).
You bet your ass,
Dr. Demento
The image of Pat Pineapple in the background is by Toby Bruno and used with permission. We released the white textured wallpaper into the public domain.
The fifth group to award the Order of the Pineapple itself. By the end of 2010, the group was thought big enough to give its own award.